a doctor explains an x-ray with a patient

3 Productivity Hacks for Physicians


As we all know, there are countless demands on a doctor’s time. Whether it’s seeing dozens of patients in a day, entering information into medical records, or directing auxiliary staff, there are only so many hours in a day.

So, how can physicians work more efficiently to get more done in their day? Keep reading for a few helpful, productivity hacks for physicians to streamline processes and ultimately boost your practice’s bottom line.

Avoid Multitasking

At first, this may seem counterintuitive. Doesn’t it make sense to engage in more than one task at a time to increase efficiency?

Not necessarily.

Most people don’t multitask well, and it often takes them twice as long to complete those tasks they’re attempting to juggle. One Forbes article stated that multitaskers waste up to 40% of productive time trying to do too much at once.

When physicians take time to focus on the task at hand, whether it’s examining a patient or delivering a diagnoses, they generally get through their daily volume of patients far quicker.

The trick is to focus on one task at a time. Don’t relive the last interaction or worry about the next patient in the waiting room.

Put the Right Support Staff in Place (And Train Them Well)

This one should be no surprise.

Having the right staff in place can make all the difference when it comes to streamlining your work as a doctor. In fact, taking the time to ensure the right staff members are in the correct positions in the first place can save loads of time later.

Finding the right people to fill staff roles takes time and investment, making good Human Resources representatives a valuable tool. Likewise, you may need to spend time encouraging your staffs’ professional development as well as ensuring they’ve been trained in their current roles.

Automate Office Tools Where Possible

Don’t be afraid to take advantage of every technological advance available with your practice.

Advancements in healthcare software and practice management can automate some of your office’s more tedious processes. That could mean buying an electronic healthcare records (EHR) system that offers both billing and analytics, tracking payments and insurance, and how many of which procedures are in demand.

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